Tagged: settling in

Studying in China: moving to Tianjin

Ryan’s just finished his first year studying as an international student at Nankai University, so he’s pretty much an expert on the subject now! We asked him to share his...

Marcus’ London photo diary

As we love Instagram so much, we asked Marcus Ooi to share his great London photo diary with us! They’re a brilliant insight into his day-to-day life studying at the INTO London...

7 reasons to join campus clubs and societies

One of the best parts of studying abroad is getting involved in campus clubs and societies. INTO University of Exeter graduate, Sarthok from Bangladesh, shares his experiences and the skills...

Studying in China: how to beat culture shock

China is an amazing place to study abroad, but it’s natural to feel some culture shock when you first arrive. INTO China student Nicky, from Indonesia, shares her advice on how...