INTO Gangnam Style!
Yup, it’s true – INTO has officially gone Gangnam Style (well let’s face it, it was only a matter of time). On 6th November, INTO University of East Anglia students...
8 Nov, 2012
Yup, it’s true – INTO has officially gone Gangnam Style (well let’s face it, it was only a matter of time). On 6th November, INTO University of East Anglia students...
5 Nov, 2012
“Remember, remember, the 5th of November…” Why? Because the 5th of November is Bonfire Night in the UK. Otherwise known as Guy Fawkes Night, it’s an eardrum-splitting British celebration that’s...
31 Oct, 2012
Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Do you have popcorn? Excellent. Have you switched the lights off? Perfect… In celebration of Halloween, the INTO Team have picked 10 of their favourite spooky, chilling,...
12 Oct, 2012
To embed this international student infographic on your blog or website, simply copy and paste the code below. <a href=””><img src=”” width=600 height=1425 /></a><br /> <a href=”” title=”Provided by...
21 Sep, 2012
Studying abroad soon? Feeling nervous about meeting new people? Moving to a new country and having to make conversation with a bunch of strangers can be a daunting prospect –...
12 Sep, 2012
If you’re about to come to the UK for the first time and begin studying you’ve probably heard myths and legends about the great British weather. While some of the...
3 Aug, 2012
What’s it like camping in one of the world’s most beautiful wildernesses? INTO Oregon State University team member, Warren Lawless, tells us about a recent student adventure… INTO OSU is...
20 Jul, 2012
Last month, INTO University of Exeter student, Aina Sultanbekova won our Jubilee June competition with her fabulous montage of Union Jack themed images. She won an all expenses paid trip...
17 Jul, 2012
INTO isn’t just about studying – many of our students achieve impressive things in their spare time too. INTO Manchester student, Huidong Kim from South Korea, tells us about his...
13 Jul, 2012
Here are the best places to eat in London, because studying can be hungry work. Fortunately, students at City, University of London are spoilt for choice restaurant-wise with hundreds of...