Tagged: fun

Weird British idioms – what do they mean?

Does this situation sound familiar to you? You’re chatting to a British person, feeling pretty confident about your language skills, when – bam! They use a phrase that makes no...

5 things to add to your to-do list in London

Studying in London? Looking for new things to see and experience? Being an international student in London is an adventure, whatever the season. As the weather warms up, here are our top...

INTO News: Surprise proposal at INTO Exeter!

Something lovely happened at our INTO Exeter centre this month…an INTO graduate made a very romantic proposal! Moody (Mu Di), from China, decided to propose to Janice (Liu Chen) at...

INTO Book Month: My favourite bookshop

Call us old-fashioned, but despite the ease of online ordering, we’re still fans of the classic bookshop-on-the-corner. So we asked some of our team to share their favourites… Empire Books...

10 ways to have fun for free

If you’re a student then you’re probably on a budget. But the question is – are you going to let that stop you from having a good time? We hope...

New Year's Eve Traditions

New Year traditions from around the world

New Year’s Eve is celebrated across the world on the 31st December. It is seen as a time for leaving the past year behind and welcoming the beginnings that the...

Global Culture: 5 favourite Christmas traditions

The Christmas mania continues! If you’re an international student, you’ve probably been discovering some weird and wonderful customs (like singing snowmen, red-nosed reindeers and jolly men in red suits).  We talk...