Category: Living Abroad

Festive holidays on a budget

How to enjoy Christmas on a budget

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, winter is a great time to get together with friends and family and enjoy yourselves. It can also be an expensive time of year,...

Taste Test: 6 classic British dishes

British cuisine is a strange and mysterious thing to many international students. Why do Brits eat Yorkshire “pudding” as part of a main course? What’s a “banger”? And is there...

INTO Gangnam Style!

Yup, it’s true – INTO has officially gone Gangnam Style (well let’s face it, it was only a matter of time). On 6th November, INTO University of East Anglia students...

Best recipes for Bonfire Night in the UK

“Remember, remember, the 5th of November…” Why? Because the 5th of November is Bonfire Night in the UK. Otherwise known as Guy Fawkes Night, it’s an eardrum-splitting British celebration that’s...

A student paying for good on a Chinese market stall

How to haggle in China…with confidence

We’re chuffed that INTO China has made it into the top 10 of Abroad101’s best short-term programmes – and better still, it was voted for by students! The award, from...

5 dream study spaces

Why can you never find the perfect place to study? Your room is too distracting, the café is too noisy, the library is too quiet. But what is the perfect...