Author: INTO Study Team

6 tips for studying Medicine in the UK

Interested in studying Medicine in the UK? Not sure what’s involved?  Two alumni student, Amika and Moyukh, share their top tips with you… Tip 1: Study, study, study! Amika and Moyukh...

5 Reasons to Study Abroad

  Is it worth leaving your family, friends and home behind to study in a foreign country? Well yes, we think it is! We talk you through some of our favourite...

INTO China airport arrival

INTO Adventure: Taking on the Great Wall of China

Imagine packing your bags and taking off to China for an entire summer. Immersing yourself in its rich culture and traditions, exploring historic landmarks, and learning some Chinese along the...

Aina’s story: A prize-winning trip to London

Last month, INTO University of Exeter student, Aina Sultanbekova won our Jubilee June competition with her fabulous montage of Union Jack themed images. She won an all expenses paid trip...