10 Questions, 1 Teacher: INTO Newcastle University
In the latest in our 10 Questions, 1 Teacher series, we catch up with Helen Woolridge, an English for University Study Teacher at INTO Newcastle University. What’s your teaching style? Varied!...
14 Mar, 2013
In the latest in our 10 Questions, 1 Teacher series, we catch up with Helen Woolridge, an English for University Study Teacher at INTO Newcastle University. What’s your teaching style? Varied!...
12 Mar, 2013
Studying abroad isn’t just about…studying. We know you’re interested in looking glam too! So we’ve asked INTO’s Kate Standing to round up the best street fashion blogs around – and because we love...
12 Mar, 2013
Sunny days seem very far away at the moment but it’s never to early to make plans for your summer. We asked University of Exeter student, Sarah Jago, to share...
8 Mar, 2013
This week in 10 Questions, 1 Teacher it’s over to INTO University of East Anglia, where we’re chatting to Lander Hawes, who teaches English on the International Diploma programme. What’s your...
6 Mar, 2013
Ever wanted to know more about our INTO Giving charity and the great projects it’s involved in? Here, INTO Giving Advocate, Hannah Mold, shares the diary of her four-day trip to...
26 Feb, 2013
Fancy a career in events after you graduate? Top industry expert, Simon Dalley from leading events website Skiddle, shares some insider advice on how to succeed… The events industry is one...
22 Feb, 2013
Carly Gerig, an English teacher at INTO Oregon State University talks about life as a teacher in the US… What’s your teaching style? “I try to make all my classes...
20 Feb, 2013
The Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, is the biggest celebration in the Chinese calendar. Sian, a former international student in China, talks about the first time she experienced the...
13 Feb, 2013
It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow and love is definitely in the air (come on, don’t look so cynical!). But do you need inspiration to show someone special how you feel? INTO’s Vicky...
11 Feb, 2013
In the latest part of our CV Boosters series, Jessie Brown from Great British Mag explains how extra-curricular activities can improve your CV for that added edge… A university qualification only gets...