Category: US

Our advice for new students

Four international students studying in the UK, US and China share their top advice to guarantee an amazing study abroad experience… Keep up with each and every lecture! Don’t put...

INTO Oregon State University student wins an amazing award

Abdulrahman, a former INTO Oregon State University student, won the Clara L. Simerville Award for International Education, which recognises an outstanding undergraduate student at Oregon State University. We are so proud of...

Why we chose to study in the US

You’re thinking about studying abroad. You can’t wait to start your adventure. But there’s just one problem – you don’t know which country to pick. So how do you choose?...

5 American idioms that you need to know

A few weeks ago we shared our video on common British idioms. Now INTO Marshall University’s Ashley has listed some popular American idioms that often confuse international students… English can be difficult...

INTO Book Month: My favourite bookshop

Call us old-fashioned, but despite the ease of online ordering, we’re still fans of the classic bookshop-on-the-corner. So we asked some of our team to share their favourites… Empire Books...