Author: INTO Study Team

INTO News: Surprise proposal at INTO Exeter!

Something lovely happened at our INTO Exeter centre this month…an INTO graduate made a very romantic proposal! Moody (Mu Di), from China, decided to propose to Janice (Liu Chen) at...

Street food in China

Taste Test: 6 Classic Chinese Street Foods

Studying in China soon? Curious about the cuisine on offer?  INTO China student Jaila Cramer from the USA takes us on a tastebud tingling tour of some classic Chinese street...

INTO Book Month: My favourite bookshop

Call us old-fashioned, but despite the ease of online ordering, we’re still fans of the classic bookshop-on-the-corner. So we asked some of our team to share their favourites… Empire Books...

6 classic books every student must read

Some books just perfectly capture the experience of being young learning about life – which is a big part of the student experience. If you’re thinking about studying in the...

Global Culture: 5 Easter questions answered

If you’re an international student in the UK or US, then it’s probably obvious to you by now that Easter is here. But before you yell “Geronimo” and dive into...