Author: INTO Study Team

10 Questions, 1 Teacher: INTO Manchester

10 Questions, 1 Teacher: INTO Manchester

Today in our 10 Questions, 1 Teacher series Ruth Gee, who teaches the Graduate Diploma in Management programme at INTO Manchester tells us what she loves most about being a teacher...

5 questions to help you choose your dream career

Feeling under pressure to make the right career and education choices? We list the 5 questions you should ask yourself before choosing your dream career path… It’s amazing to think that...

10 ways to have fun for free

If you’re a student then you’re probably on a budget. But the question is – are you going to let that stop you from having a good time? We hope...

10 Questions, 1 Teacher: INTO GCU

As part of our ’10 Questions, 1 Teacher’ series, we spoke to Chris Bateman, who teaches on the English Language Programme LEAD (Learning Enhancement and Development) at INTO Glasgow Caledonian...

5 steps to enhancing your employability

Got a dream career in mind? You can start taking steps to boost your employability before you even graduate.  International study is just one way to impress potential employers, so...

6 secrets to writing a great essay

Why does the word “essay” strike terror into the hearts of students? Maybe because a blank page can seem like the size of Antarctica when you’re not sure how to...