6 Careers for engineering graduates (other than ‘engineer’!)
Engineering students become engineers – right?
Well, not always. In fact, the logical thinking, practical approach and analytical skills gained during an engineering degree lend themselves to a wide range of careers in all sorts of industries. So, depending on your strengths in other areas, you can take your pick!
Here are 6 alternative career paths your engineering degree could lead to:
- Solicitor
- Investment banker
- Procurement manager
- Technical trainer
- Logistics manager
- Engineering consultant
1. Solicitor

Did you know most legal firms don’t necessarily prefer graduates who’ve studied a law degree? According to some, up to half of their employees join from a totally different subject.
As an engineering expert, your logical, practical and analytical skills make you perfect for a career in law. To become a solicitor after your engineering degree, you’ll have to complete a year-long ‘Graduate Diploma in Law’ followed by your training. It’s not an easy option, but it’s a rewarding one!
2. Investment banker

Want a challenging, high impact job that really pays off? Investment banking could be the route for you.
In the banking sector, engineering graduates bring a lot to the table – from excellent mathematics skills to quick problem solving. If you can learn to apply your knowledge in a financial environment, you’ll find success as an investment banker.
3. Procurement manager

‘Procurement’ is the process of ‘getting things’, and a procurement manager does just that. You’ll buy equipment and parts for projects or businesses at the best possible quality and price.
Engineering knowledge gives you a technical understanding of the equipment, so you can make informed choices about what to purchase – and what to avoid.
4. Technical trainer

Every business relies on a different selection of equipment and software to run successfully. They’re often very complicated – so someone needs to make sure everyone knows how to use them.
Thanks to your engineering background, you’ll have the skills needed to master all sorts of technical systems. And if you can communicate those skills clearly to a workforce, you’ll have a top-tier training career.
5. Logistics manager

You might have considered a job in manufacturing – but what about the systems that make the manufacturing process possible? Logisticians create systems to move items from A to B – such as delivering raw materials to factories – in the most efficient way possible.
Loads of companies run graduate schemes in the logistics field – and your engineering degree makes you a great candidate!
6. Engineering consultant

If you’d rather tell people what to do than do it yourself, consulting is the perfect path. Companies will call you in as an external expert to help them solve engineering-related problems.
You’ll have to work your way up and develop your expertise as a new graduate – but the flexibility, variety and rewards are worth it!
If one of these is the career for you, study engineering to get a head-start!
INTO Newcastle University: your route to a top UK engineering degree

Elite engineers start at INTO Newcastle University. Study our International Year One in Engineering – a tailored pathway program leading to a choice of engineering degrees at Newcastle University.
Develop your academic and English language skills alongside other international students at our INTO Center. Then study your degree at Newcastle University – a Russell Group, QS Top 25* university in one of the UK’s favorite student cities.
* QS World University Rankings 2023
Whatever career you want in the future, INTO can help you get there. To find out more about studying the International Year One in Engineering with us, visit our website.
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