Online learning: your top questions answered
All of a sudden, the whole world has moved online – from family dinners to fitness classes, and now even university degrees and pathway courses! Hundreds of international students have...
All of a sudden, the whole world has moved online – from family dinners to fitness classes, and now even university degrees and pathway courses! Hundreds of international students have...
28 Feb, 2020
It’s no coincidence that studying abroad is described as a life-changing experience! It pushes you outside of your comfort zone. But the experience will also help you to emerge on...
How to..., Studying, Uncategorized
2 Oct, 2019
You’re choosing a university and you’re overwhelmed by the options. They’re all competing for your attention. How do you shortlist from the hundreds of potential study destinations available to you?...
4 Sep, 2019
It’s nearly the start of a new academic year which can only mean one thing: Welcome Week! Whether it’s called Welcome Week, Freshers’ Week, Induction or Orientation, the concept is...
9 Aug, 2019
It’s a requirement for some degree programs to attend a university interview, but they aren’t designed to trick you. University interviews are an opportunity for your chosen university to learn...
When you apply to study in the UK or US, you may have to take an IELTS test. IELTS stands for the ‘International English Language Testing System’, which makes sure...
14 Nov, 2018
As part of our new video series for visa do’s and don’ts, we look at some top tips for securing a student visa for the UK this coming January. 1....
30 Oct, 2018
Do you want to know how to apply for a university in the UK? Are you keen to start your UK degree this year but concerned that you don’t have...
13 Sep, 2018
Newcastle is a fantastic place to study, so if you’re joining us at the centre soon, read on to learn all about who you’ll meet in your first few weeks....
7 Sep, 2018
If you’re soon to be studying at INTO Manchester you might be wondering who’ll be there to support and welcome you when you first arrive. Travelling across the world to...