Author: INTO Study Team

Davut’s top 5 London selfies

One of the best bits of studying abroad has to be sharing new experiences with family and friends. And with the age of social media upon us, selfies are the...

Ilwi’s top 5 INTO China experiences

My name is Ilwaad Aman, and I was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya. I am currently a junior at Oregon State University majoring in Finance. I studied abroad in...

A day of London life – Anahita’s photo blog

What’s studying in London really like? Anahita, from India, studied at INTO London World Education Centre – here’s her photo blog on life in the UK capital… Morning Anahita wakes up at...

My life in London vs Singapore

Iffah who studies at INTO, City University of London, compares life in London vs Singapore… First impressions When I stepped out of London Heathrow Airport, the first thing that came to mind was,...

Marcus’ London photo diary

As we love Instagram so much, we asked Marcus Ooi to share his great London photo diary with us! They’re a brilliant insight into his day-to-day life studying at the INTO London...

Life in the UK vs life in Uruguay

Life in the UK compared to life in Uruguay. Being an international student means that you get to experience lots of different cultures. We asked Micaela, an INTO City, University of London...

#iheartINTO because…

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we asked you to tell us what you love about INTO on Instagram with the hashtag #iheartINTO. Here are some of our favourite pics from our...

Why we chose to study in the US

You’re thinking about studying abroad. You can’t wait to start your adventure. But there’s just one problem – you don’t know which country to pick. So how do you choose?...