Author: INTO Study Team

Top tips for writing a great IELTS Task 1 essay

Swotting for your IELTS exam? Not sure if you’re prepping for Task 1 in the right way? We’ve asked INTO Manchester’s Diarmuid Fogharty to share his expert advice with you… Here are 5...

5 American idioms that you need to know

A few weeks ago we shared our video on common British idioms. Now INTO Marshall University’s Ashley has listed some popular American idioms that often confuse international students… English can be difficult...

5 friends you shouldn’t lose after you graduate

You’ve just finished your study abroad year. You’ve said goodbye to your classmates. You’ve promised to stay in touch with everyone – and maybe you really meant it. But let’s...

Getting ahead in banking with INTO GCU

We caught up with Olga Tikhonova, an INTO Glasgow Caledonian University graduate, who’s now forging ahead with a banking career in Russia… How did your Masters at GCU prepare you for your...

What’s it like studying in China?

What do you imagine when you think of a Chinese classroom? Strict lecturers? Rigid coursework? A heavy study schedule? Jaila Cramer, an American student at INTO Nankai University, tells us what...

Summertime – the British way!

If you’re studying in the UK, you might be thinking: “Hey, it’s June – where’s the sun? Why is it raining?!” Welcome to summertime – the British way! The UK...

7 things that international students always say

Your time studying abroad will be unique to you – and that’s how it should be! But that said, there are some typical phrases you’ll often hear from international students....

How to write the perfect letter home

Just when it seemed that letter writing was dying out, it’s becoming popular again. Maybe it’s because we’ve realised that nothing can replace handwritten mail. And if you’re studying abroad, it’s...