5 magnificent libraries that will inspire you
If knowledge is power, then books are fuel and libraries are… power stations?! Here are five awe-inspiring libraries that are guaranteed to get you positively charged. Whether you are studying...
5 Mar, 2020
If knowledge is power, then books are fuel and libraries are… power stations?! Here are five awe-inspiring libraries that are guaranteed to get you positively charged. Whether you are studying...
23 Nov, 2017
While it may be a dynamic and vibrant city, London is also home to a wide variety of quiet spots that are perfect for doing homework, studying, or working on...
22 Nov, 2016
With exam season fast approaching, the team at INTO University of Exeter share their top places to study on campus. 1. The Forum Library The main library, located in The Forum,...
9 Dec, 2013
Bored of studying in the library? Sometimes it’s good to mix things up a little. Leslie, from INTO University of South Florida, recommends some alternative places to cram for exams… Sleepless...