Fun things to do near Hofstra University
There are one-of-a-kind activities for you to explore living next to New York City and right here on Long Island when you attend Hofstra. Crystal-clear beaches, delicious eats, and gorgeous...
25 Jun, 2021
There are one-of-a-kind activities for you to explore living next to New York City and right here on Long Island when you attend Hofstra. Crystal-clear beaches, delicious eats, and gorgeous...
4 May, 2021
At INTO Drew University, you can have real-world lab research experiences that most students won’t get until attending graduate school or working in the professional world. Drew University offers one-of-a...
14 Apr, 2021
Come study at Oregon State University, ranked in the top 2% of global research universities. Your path starts here in of our excellent International Year One or Graduate Pathway programs....
15 Mar, 2021
To be an architect, you must take all kinds of elements into consideration. Calculating measurements, evaluating costs of construction, selecting materials, and designing the space effectively for its future use...
17 Feb, 2021
Come study at Hofstra University to get the best of campus life next to the city lights. Hofstra is just 45 minutes from New York City, ranked the most influential...
INTO Centres, Living Abroad, Studying
20 Jan, 2021
Our recent Instagram Live Broadcast with INTO University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) alumni Felipe from Brazil and Lingu from India was a huge success. We had hundreds of viewers tuning in to...
8 Dec, 2020
Studying online has only been getting more popular in the last decade. Being able to learn from the comfort home with a flexible schedule was always appealing before. Now, it...
20 Nov, 2020
So, you’re wondering if a liberal arts college is right for you. In the US, there are different types of universities based on specialties and their mission. Liberal arts colleges...
29 Oct, 2020
We’ve had another Instagram Live Broadcast! This time Ryan from Vietnam and Anagha from India answered your questions about their time as international students in the US. They met at...
18 Feb, 2020
Meet INTO Saint Louis University‘s Dr. Lisieux Huelmon. While Huelmon originally got her PhD in English specializing in Victorian Literature, she’s thrilled that her academic journey led her to international...