Becoming a university society president: Yousef’s story
Joining a club or society is a great way to settle in to university life.
Whether it’s academic, sporty or creative, you’ll find a society that suits you at the University of Gloucestershire. With over 50 to choose from, there really is something for everyone!
Yousef, who moved from Saudi Arabia to study Business at the University of Gloucestershire, took it one step further.
He joined the International Society and has now been elected president of the club. We caught up with Yousef about his experience.
Meeting people from around the world
I started going to the International Café, which is held every Wednesday night at the Francis Close Halls campus. It was here that I heard from other international students about the International Society.
The International Society is for all students to connect, make friends and socialise together.
I decided to join, as it would give me more opportunities to meet people from different cultures, which is something I really enjoy!
Running for president
Every year, there is an election for different roles within the society. My friends, including the former president of the International Society, suggested I should try for the position of president, so I decided to nominate myself.
On the day of elections, I had to stand up and present my reasons for wanting to for become the president of the International Society. In doing this, I gained presentation and leadership skills which will be very useful throughout my career.
I was thrilled when it was announced that members of the society voted and elected me for the position. I really was over the moon.
My friends are the secretary and treasurer of the society, so they will be working with me and supporting me with different tasks.
Taking on the new role with pride
As president of the International Society, I will be raising awareness of the society and encouraging students to join. I have already been preparing for Fresher’s Fayre!
I will also be organising social activities for our members, such as trips to UK cities and nights out in Cheltenham. It is a great opportunity to meet people and make friends with both English and International students!
I am very excited to experience this role and make it my own. I hope to make changes to the society so that we visit new places and organise fun trips. This role is a great opportunity to practice my management, social and leadership skills.
Living abroad can be a very difficult experience, but joining a society can help. When I first arrived in the UK, I was very homesick, but I found the best way to cope was to do things that I love with friends!
To find out more, follow the International Society on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
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